Configurable Audio Clips

These can drastically change how your theme feels, if you're good at sound design.

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Configurable Audio Clips

There's no file for this one either, because Poly Beats automatically picks these up.
The key to make all this work is via file names. Your file names have to EXACTLY match the ones used in-game (yes, this means you'll have to use .wav most of the time!), so make sure to check them carefully!

This step isn't required for the game to pick up the audio clips, but to just keep our folder clean, let's go back to Henry (the folder we made in the Introduction page), and create a new folder in him called "Clips".

Cool! Now, let's list out every configurable audio clip at the moment. (these wouldn't be in the template, as we obviously would have some copyright protection and legal complications with giving the player easier access to this data.)

Menu Audio

Most of these are reused throughout the menus, so be careful what you remake them as. <3

File Name: "Menu Music.wav"
Used: As ambience music in every menu.
Best Practices: Make this loopable, as the game will.

File Name: "ButtonClick.wav"
Used: As a button click on almost every button.
Best Practices: Don't make this an obnoxious sound.

File Name: "DisabledButtonClick.wav"
Used: As a button click on almost every button that cannot be pressed.
Best Practices: Make it a sound that's communicates clearly to the player that there's a problem clicking that button.

Game Audio

These are used in the game scene.

File Name: "Hitsound.wav"
Used: As a hitsound whenever a player successfully hits a note.
Best Practices: Make it a sound that's not too obnoxious or over-the-top.

File Name: "HoldNoteScrape.wav"
Used: As a sound that plays when a player is holding down a Block (hold note).
Best Practices: Make it a sound that's not too obnoxious, however is loopable.

File Name: "Miss.wav"
Used: As a sound that plays when a player misses a note.
Best Practices: Make it a sound that communicates clearly to the player that they have a skill issue.

Final Section: Uploading Your Theme

Congrats! You're done developing your theme. Now to send it out to the world.

Need any help, or just wanna chat with us? Follow us on our socials! :)
